Podcast | Outer to Inner Medicine with Kerri Hummingbird

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The transition from outer medicine to inner medicine.
Melanie introduces her guest for this episode, Kerri Hummingbird, medicine woman, mother and mentor, and founder of inner medicine training and mystery school. The transition from outer medicine to inner medicine. The power is outside of yourself to do anything

How to get out of your own way.
Her journey from western medicine to shamanism and energy medicine, and how it led her to yoga, a spiritual mentor, medicine and shamanic teachers. Her journey into the mystery of her own experience. The need for knowing that western society misses out on the power of the word mystery in their culture, and why people are addicted to knowing everything. How to tap into the timeless.

Being addicted to being right exactly.
Being addicted to being right, and how this is challenging for the western mind and conditioned mind. China outlawed qigong many years ago to prevent people from knowing their inner being. People are trying to control you and what they want you to do. People are addicted to talking and not good at listening.

There is not one reality for everyone.
The paradox that boggles people's minds is that there is not one reality for everyone. There are 8 billion realities on the planet. The importance of curiosity. You are the only subject that matters, and your nervous system and your body is going to respond differently and have a different relationship with intuition. Everything on the planet is interrelated.

The power of the story.
The power of story, the stories people tell each other, the stories they tell about each other, and how they influence each other. The neuroscience of storytelling. Louis Madrona's method is effective because it gets out into the open the story that everyone's telling and makes accountability for every person to own their own story. Privacy practices are killing us.

Secrets can keep you sick.
Secrets keep us sick. They are not isolated. They have energy associated with them. Anyone who is empathic or psychic or sensitive can feel that the whole truth isn't exposed. The loss of shamanic traditions has caused us to have more built up trauma than we have ever had.

Being isolated from the tribe.
Being isolated from the herd is such a big threat, and that is a really old ancestral reptilian brain truth. The talking stick circle gives every person a chance to voice what they need to voice. The importance of listening to all perspectives to be in harmony with the environment, not just humans, but all of life on the planet. The gift of having two ears.

Cardinal directions and the center. 
The book is organized in cardinal directions, north, south, east, west, and center. The west helps us feel everything, see the beauty, and claim the wisdom from the wound. The north helps us navigate our multi-dimensional self. The east helps us nudge through synchronicity, message, curiosity and experiments along the path of greater discovery. Everything on earth is something that has medicine and guidance.

How to set an intention for your medicine journey.
How the book leads people through a medicine journey, and why the book is architected this way. How people can get more information about Kerri and her work. The middle way is the path that embraces everything that life has to offer. Carrie shares her book and her medicine.